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Trading Room support engineer
FinTeX Finance and Technology eXpertise SA, Genève, Switzerland
Trading Room support engineerTrading Room support engineer FinTeX is recruiting for one of its client, a trading room support engineer. Key responsibilities Provide first and second level support to the traders Clarify business requirements for small size changes or requests Ensure all changes are documented in line with department’s processes and procedures Use initiative to plan and organize own work schedules to satisfy deadlines Interact with other teams in the IT organization (Service Desk, Network, Production, aso) Required Skills Functional: financial engineering in the Treasury and Forex areas Technical: SQL (Oracle, Sybase), Unix scripting Nice to have Knowledge of financial software such as Kondor+, FrontArena, Fenics, Murex Java programming Experience: 3-5 yearsLocation: Geneva [email protected]
Trainee-Programm im Banking - Fokus: Wertschriftenfachstelle & Collateral Trading 80-100%
Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
Kavisha, Lucas, Anja und acht weitere Trainees suchen eine neue engagierte Kollegin, diesmal liegt der Fokus auf Tätigkeiten im Wertschriften- und Handelsgeschäft.Das erwartet dichIn unserem Trainee-Programm hast du die Möglichkeit, vielfältige Erfahrungen im Banking zu gewinnen. Du baust Fachwissen auf, knüpfst Kontakte und kannst unser Kerngeschäft mitgestalten. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt in den beiden Teams Wertschriftenfachstelle und Collateral Trading, beides im nahen Umfeld zur bankinternen Handelsabteilung.Die Abteilung Banking Services ist für alle verarbeitenden Tätigkeiten (Back- und Mid-Office-Arbeiten) für die Basler Kantonalbank und die Bank Cler zuständig. Innerhalb dieser Abteilung ist unsere Wertschriftenfachstelle tätig, ein Bindeglied zum Handel, das unter anderem die Corporate Actions verantwortet.Im Collateral Trading ist unter anderem die Besicherung von Wertpapierleihen (SLB) und Repo-Transaktionen eine Hauptaufgabe. Dazu gehört die tägliche Bewirtschaftung von Exposures mit nationalen und internationalen Gegenparteien.Klingt das spannend für dich? Dann reiche deine Bewerbungsunterlagen direkt online ein. Der Start für dieses Trainee-Programm ist für den Frühling 2024 vorgesehen.So läuft dein Programm abIn 20 Monaten absolvierst du vier abwechslungsreiche Einsätze und tauchst in verschiedene Bereiche ein. Bei uns kannst du deine Ausbildung mitgestalten. Die ersten beiden Abteilungseinsätze stehen fest, deinen Wahl- und Vertiefungseinsatz bestimmst du mit deinen Ansprechpersonen während deinem Programm.Das bringst du mitKürzlich abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (Bachelor oder Master) mit sehr guten Leistungen, im besten Fall in der Studienrichtung Wirtschaft Interesse an der Finanzbranche und an den Finanzmärkten Sehr gute analytisch-konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten sowie vernetztes Denken Zahlen, Prozesse und Hintergrundzusammenhänge interessieren dich Starke Eigenorganisation, planvolles Vorgehen und eine gute Portion Neugierde Diese Extras bieten wir dirEine Bank mit viel Tradition und gleichzeitig spannende Wege um den Konzern mitzugestalten Mobiles, flexibles Arbeiten in einer modernen Infrastruktur Aktive Begleitung während deines Programms für deine persönliche und fachliche Entwicklung u.a. durch unsere Coaches Frei wählbare interne und externe Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten Lunch-Checks und vieles mehr, hier geht es zu den Details Noch Fragen?Gerne! Bei Fragen zum Traineeprogramm und der BKB ist Dani gerne für dich da ([email protected]; 061 266 34 26).P.S. Weil wir eine neue Trainee mit Flair für das Banking und keine Werbetexterin suchen, kannst du dir das Motivationsschreiben sparen. Stattdessen freuen wir uns, wenn du dein vollständiges Dossier inkl. Notenausweis im Bewerbungstool hoch lädst und ein paar kurze Fragen beantwortest. Danke!Veröffentlicht:05 Januar 2024Pensum:80 – 100%Vertrag:FestanstellungArbeitsort:BaselTrainee-Programm im Banking - Fokus: Wertschriftenfachstelle & Collateral Trading 80-100%
Teilzeit Modeberater (m/w/d) 20h - TALLY WEiJL Trading AG | Career Page
Tally Weijl Ag, Schaffhausen
Founded in 1984, Tally Weijl has been on a crazy journey to celebrate fashion, independence, fun, love, & community for close to 40 years. Today were present in 35 markets with over 700+ stores, online presence, and 3m+ fans across social channels. Show us how #UNSTOPPABLE you are!TEILZEIT MODEBERATER (m/w/d)DEIN BEITRAG FÜR UNSEREN GEMEINSAMEN ERFOLGAls Verkäufer/in berätst du unsere (Young & Golden) Kundin mit viel Motivation und Spass umfassend Du gewinnst neue Kunden und pflegst bestehende Kundenbeziehungen mit Deiner positiven Ausstrahlung Die Präsentation des Warensortiments und des Shop Aufbaus verwirklichst du entsprechend internen Guidelines Du kennst unsere Kollektionen und Trends und lässt Dein Wissen in die Beratung der Kundin einfliessen An der Kasse rundest Du mit deiner freundlichen und offenen Art das Einkaufserlebnis der Kundin ab DAS ZEICHNET DICH AUSEine erfolgreich abgeschlossen kaufmännische Grundausbildung im Detailhandel Du bist 100% verkaufs sowie kundenorientiert Du konntest bereits Erfahrung in einer ähnlichen Stelle sammeln Die trendige Fashionwelt ist Deine Leidenschaft Die Kommunikation und Arbeit im Team gehören zu Deinen Stärken Du bist stolz auf dein gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild Du sprichst fliessen Deutsch und jede weitere Sprache ist ein Vorteil DEINE VORTEILE BEI UNSWir fördern berufliche Weiterentwicklung und bieten vielseitige Karrieremöglichkeiten Abwechslungsreiche Tätigkeit in einer dynamischen, offenen und teamorientierten Unternehmenskultur Attraktive Mitarbeiterrabatte ( 50%) Ein Arbeitsumfeld, in dem Mode und Spass an der Arbeit im Vordergrund stehen Internationale Arbeitserfahrung Minimum 25 Urlaubstage ( + 3 Tage Anwesenheitsprämie ) Grundgehalt und Bonus/ Gratifikationen möglichkeiten Möchtest du ein Teil unserer Fashion Story und ein begeistertes Mitglied unserer TALLY Family werden. Dann teile dein individuelles Talent mit uns und bewerbe dich jetzt bei HR recruitmentTally Weijl Retail Europe AGVeröffentlicht:12 Januar 2024Pensum:100%Vertrag:FestanstellungArbeitsort:SchaffhausenTeilzeit Modeberater (m/w/d) 20h - TALLY WEiJL Trading AG | Career PageAbout the job Teilzeit Modeberater (m/w/d) 20hWe're here to make you feel sexy, empowered & UNSTOPPABLE.
Trainee-Programm im Banking - Fokus: Wertschriftenfachstelle & Collateral Trading 80-100%
Basler Kantonalbank, Basel
Kavisha, Lucas, Anja und acht weitere Trainees suchen eine neue engagierte Kollegin, diesmal liegt der Fokus auf Tätigkeiten im Wertschriften- und Handelsgeschäft.Das erwartet dich In unserem Trainee-Programm hast du die Möglichkeit, vielfältige Erfahrungen im Banking zu gewinnen. Du baust Fachwissen auf, knüpfst Kontakte und kannst unser Kerngeschäft mitgestalten. Dabei liegt der Schwerpunkt in den beiden Teams Wertschriftenfachstelle und Collateral Trading, beides im nahen Umfeld zur bankinternen Handelsabteilung.Die Abteilung Banking Services ist für alle verarbeitenden Tätigkeiten (Back- und Mid-OfficeArbeiten) für die Basler Kantonalbank und die Bank Cler zuständig. Innerhalb dieser Abteilung ist unsere Wertschriftenfachstelle tätig, ein Bindeglied zum Handel, das unter anderem die Corporate Actions verantwortet.Im Collateral Trading ist unter anderem die Besicherung von Wertpapierleihen (SLB) und RepoTransaktionen eine Hauptaufgabe. Dazu gehört die tägliche Bewirtschaftung von Exposures mit nationalen und internationalen Gegenparteien.Klingt das spannend für dich? Dann reiche deine Bewerbungsunterlagen direkt online ein. Der Start für dieses Trainee-Programm ist für den Frühling 2024 vorgesehen.So läuft dein Programm abIn 20 Monaten absolvierst du vier abwechslungsreiche Einsätze und tauchst in verschiedene Bereiche ein. Bei uns kannst du deine Ausbildung mitgestalten. Die ersten beiden Abteilungseinsätze stehen fest, deinen Wahl- und Vertiefungseinsatz bestimmst du mit deinen Ansprechpersonen während deinem Programm.Das bringst du mitKürzlich abgeschlossenes Hochschulstudium (Bachelor oder Master) mit sehr guten Leistungen, im besten Fall in der Studienrichtung Wirtschaft Interesse an der Finanzbranche und an den Finanzmärkten Sehr gute analytisch-konzeptionelle Fähigkeiten sowie vernetztes Denken Zahlen, Prozesse und Hintergrundzusammenhänge interessieren dich Starke Eigenorganisation, planvolles Vorgehen und eine gute Portion NeugierdeDiese Extras bieten wir dirEine Bank mit viel Tradition und gleichzeitig spannende Wege um den Konzern mitzugestalten Mobiles, flexibles Arbeiten in einer modernen Infrastruktur Aktive Begleitung während deines Programms für deine persönliche und fachliche Entwicklung u.a. durch unsere Coaches Frei wählbare interne und externe Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten Lunch-Checks und vieles mehr, hier geht es zu den DetailsNoch Fragen? Gerne! Bei Fragen zum Traineeprogramm und der BKB ist Dani gerne für dich da ([email protected]; 061 266 34 26).P.S. Weil wir eine neue Trainee mit Flair für das Banking und keine Werbetexterin suchen, kannst du dir das Motivationsschreiben sparen. Stattdessen freuen wir uns, wenn du dein vollständiges Dossier inkl. Notenausweis im Bewerbungstool hoch lädst und ein paar kurze Fragen beantwortest. Danke!Arbeitsort: Basel08.01.2024 Trainee-Programm im Banking - Fokus: Wertschriftenfachstelle & Collateral Trading 80-100% Basel Festanstellung 80-100% | Führungsposition Alle Jobs dieses Anbieters  Meinen Arbeitsweg berechnen Website Die Basler Kantonalbank ist eine primär in der Region Basel tätige Universalbank, die den Schwerpunkt auf eine unabhängige Beratung legt. Die Privatkundschaft wird über ein dichtes Filialnetz in ganz Basel betreut. Die spezifischen Bedürfnisse des lokalen Gewerbes werden im sogenannten KMUMCeenhtrer adressiert.Bewerbungsservices Bewerber-Cockpit anlegen  Bewerbungsvideoaufnehmen  Kandidatenprofil erstellenund von Firmen finden lassen  Bewerbungsfoto mit KI erstellen  Zum BewerbungsratgeberMEHR INFOS ZU DIESEM JOBTrainee-Programm im Banking - Fokus: Wertschriftenfachstelle & Collateral Trading 80-100%
Senior Manager, Digital Trading Excellence
vfc, EMEA > CHE > Stabio > VF Campus VF
VF Corporation is looking for an exceptional Senior Manager, Digital Trading Excellence to join our Omnichannel Operations Team team based in Stabio, Switzerland. Let’s talk about the role! As the Senior Manager, Digital Trading Excellence, you will be responsible for playing a pivotal role in helping brands achieve trading excellence in relation to our DTC models with Digital Accounts (aka Digital 2P). Specifically, the role is focused on enabling brands to maximise their in-season and end-of-season opportunities by: Monitoring trading execution and suggesting actions for sales & inventory optimization. Innovating trading processes and tools, ensuring cross-brand harmonization and adoption. Providing regular training and sharing best practices. We expect that you will deliver unbeatable results whilst fulfilling the following aspects of the role: Trading community: Establish a strong relationship and regular exchange with the brands’ trading functions to identify and share best practices, elevate trading know-how and drive tool adoption across multiple brands. Collect feedback, requirements, challenges from brands and translate them into business needs for key enabling functions, including, but not limited to, Business Intelligence, Data & Analytics, and Supply Chain teams. Provide extra support to emerging brands. Trade reporting: Lead the transformation of trade reporting based on the evolution and requirements of DTC models with Digital Accounts. Team up with Business Intelligence and Data & Analytics functions to innovate and scale key in-season management tools. Replenishment & Inventory Optimization: Partner with internal stakeholders (e.g. Brands, Omnichannel Operations, Supply & Demand Planning) and external Digital Account DTC contacts to optimize forecasting, replenishment and stock efficiency across brands and channels. (Assess sellable stock, define target and ideal stock cover by estimating future demand, calculate replenishment). Provide daily support to the Digital Account DTC replenishment process by bridging communications between VF brands and external digital partners. Drive the optimization of Digital Account DTC allocation & inventory management by regularly sharing suggestions, risks and opportunities with the brands (e.g. alignment on End-Of-Season liquidation strategy, returns to VF DC, Carryover strategy, cross-channel stock efficiency etc). Team up with Business Intelligence & Data & Analytics functions to innovate and scale key in-season replenishment tools. Pricing: Partner with the Data & Analytics team to innovate and scale the current price sensitivity solution, prioritizing the resolution of blockers or bugs. Enable the cross-brand adoption of the price sensitivity solution, ensuring that training is provided to new users. Facilitate the communication between VF brands and external partners to ensure optimal management of promotional campaign calendars and discount strategies, while sharing suggestions and best practices. Drive optimization of Digital Account DTC promotions suggesting actions for most effective sale and discount management. Collaborate with the Finance team to support the correct accounting treatment of promotion-related reports. How you will make a difference: To succeed in the role of Senior Manager, Digital Trading Excellence you will need: A minimum of 8 years experience in trading and merchandise planning in the E-commerce and/or Omni-Channel sector. High maturity in managing organisational complexity and effective communication. Ability to proactively engage, motivate, influence and guide a variety of teams. Outstanding analytical skills and a deep industry knowledge. Entrepreneurial attitude, ambition and willingness to take on challenges. Strong organizational skills, ability to manage complex projects whilst sticking to critical timelines and deadlines. A keen interest in constant improvement and innovation. Excellent command of written and spoken English. Excellent knowledge of Excel and Microsoft package. Experience with analytical/software suites (Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, etc…). Knowledge of SAP, Tableau, Power BI and BI systems is a plus. VF is a global apparel company connecting people to the lifestyles they cherish through our family of iconic brands. At the heart of our journey lies our purpose: We power movements of sustainable and active lifestyles for the betterment of people and our planet. This is our purpose. It’s the reason we come to work every day. Our purpose unites us and leads us to pursue our goals, together. This is our calling. Learn more at vfc.com What’s in it For You We’re in the business of unleashing human potential, driven by the ideas, energy and commitment of our people. That’s why we offer comprehensive benefits that encourage mental, physical and financial well-being for all VF associates. When it comes to benefits, we’re the total package. A supportive feedback-based culture where respect and integrity guide us in what we do An inclusive international environment where people of diverse backgrounds, lifestyles and nationalities love working together Be part of an iconic lifestyle brand in a multi brand, multi countries organization On site gym offering health and well-being initiatives A discount card with 50% on all VF brands Break out areas offering complimentary hot drinks Relocation support may be available to applicants who lives more than 100 km from Stabio. Free to Be, Inclusion & Diversity As a purpose-led, performance driven company, we strive to foster a culture of belonging based on respect, connection, openness and authenticity. We are committed to building and maintaining a workplace that celebrates the diversity of our associates, allowing them to bring their authentic selves to work every day. As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, VF is committed to support disadvantaged groups whilst providing equal opportunities for both VF associates and applicants alike. If you like what you have read and want to join our team then we would like to hear from you! R-20240118-0011 VF Corporation outfits consumers around the world with its diverse portfolio of iconic lifestyle brands, including Vans, The North Face, Timberland, and Dickies. Founded in 1899, VF is one of the world's largest apparel, footwear and accessories companies with socially and environmentally responsible operations spanning numerous geographies, product categories and distribution channels. VF is committed to delivering innovative products to consumers and creating long-term value for its customers and shareholders. VF Diversity Vision Statement VF is committed to creating an inclusive environment that welcomes and values the differences among all of our associates, customers, suppliers and the communities in which we live and conduct business. The continued success and growth of VF is enhanced through initiatives that promote diversity throughout VF around the world.VF is an equal employment opportunity/ affirmative action employer of minorities, females, protected veterans and the disabled. VF is committed to providing equal opportunities in employment, and treating our VF associates and VF applicants without discrimination on the basis of their race, color, gender, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, citizenship, disability, protected veteran status, HIV/AIDS status, or any other legally protected factor. VF is committed to meeting the diverse needs of people with disabilities in a timely manner that is consistent with the principles of independence, dignity, integration and equality of opportunity, and will do so by striving to identify, prevent and remove barriers to accessibility wherever possible as well as by meeting the accessibility requirements under the ADA, AODA, and other applicable state, local or provincial regulations. VF is committed to digital accessibility, and to conforming to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, Level AA and complying with the ADA and AODA Standards for Accessible Design, and other applicable regulations. If you need an accommodation or have any questions regarding this statement, please send your request to [email protected].Über das Unternehmen:vfc
Manager Commodity Trading and Finance - D365 F&O/BC
PwC, Basel, Zürich, Lausanne, Genève, Switzerland
Manager Commodity Trading and Finance - D365 F&O/BCBe a part of The New Equation. Your Impact Advise international companies on key financial and management reporting activities. Advise clients on selection of ERP systems. Advise clients on the implementation of MS D365 systems and products as a functional and technical implementation lead. Help drive complex, transformational initiatives at global companies, and support clients in achieving project objectives. Spearhead the mapping of business requirements to optimal technical solutions. Work with our functional teams to manage the integration of the ERP with other applications including Commodity Trading and Risk Management (CTRM) and Treasury systems. Work with our teams in various locations, to drive custom developments, technical implementation, ensure quality control and timely delivery. Drive projects for trading clients on improvement of their finance processes. Be in direct contract with our clients and conduct workshops with and present our deliverables to stakeholders. Drive new client opportunities and manage client deliverables. Be coached by experienced and inspiring leaders. Your Skill Set University degree in Science, Finance, Accounting or Economics, Computer Science or other Technology-related field. Have 5 to 10 years' experience working at a MS D365 technology provider, at a consultancy with a technology focus, or within a Finance or Technology function focusing on MS D365. Familiarity with commodity trading processes and the IT architecture in commodity traders or similar is an advantage. Deep hands-on functional and technical knowledge of MS D365 F&O and BC with a particular focus on the Finance modules. Good knowledge of the MS product stack and Power Apps as well as knowledge of other ERP products in an advantage. Good communication skills, documentation skills and presentation skills to create project phase deliverables and are comfortable interacting with senior client stakeholders. Experience of integrating MS D365 with CTRM and/or working knowledge of CTRM is an advantage. Fluent English, any other language (specifically French and German) is a plus. Your Contact Besjana KabashiRecruitment Team+41 58 792 29 32
Trading Entity Compliance QA Lead
CHE - 8036 Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG, CHE - Glattpark Opfikon - Zurich HQ
By clicking the “Apply” button, I understand that my employment application process with Takeda will commence and that the information I provide in my application will be processed in line with Takeda’s Privacy Notice and Terms of Use. I further attest that all information I submit in my employment application is true to the best of my knowledge. Job Description About the role: Provide leadership in the development of policy, process and organization to ensure compliant operations Perform all the duties and have all rights applicable to the Responsible Person in Switzerland as per Swiss Medic requirements Primary contact for local health authorities. Own relationship/communication with the local GDP Authorities, and host External and Internal inspections in Switzerland Decide on all pharmaceutical activities in scope of the License Provide direction to the organization for the activities falling under the responsibility and decision making mandated by Swiss Medic Ensure all requirements to maintain the Wholesale Distribution Authorisation/ Establishment license are met How you will contribute: Ensure compliance with: Federal Act on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (HMG SR 812.21) Medicinal Products Licensing Ordinance (AMBV SR 812.212.1) Ordinance on Medicinal Products (VAM SR 812.212.21) Good Distribution Practice of Medicinal Products for Human Use (2013/C 343(01)) Falsified Medicines Directive (2011/62/EU) Legal requirements and mandatory due diligence by Swiss firms wishing to engage in foreign trade with medicinal products from Switzerland (Swissmedic I-SMI.TI.18) Good Manufacturing Practice (Eudralex vol. 4) in line with oversight of licenced activities associated with contract manufacturing activities, as required per Swissmedic Further guidance documents of Swissmedic, as applicable Provide expertise in Regulatory Compliance for the products manufactured and traded by Takeda The company has given authority to the Responsible Person to perform the required activities as outlined in EU GxP Guidelines. Accountable to ensure GxP related activities which support Takeda’s global trading of products are compliance and efficient. Authorized to issue directives to the organization in the area of responsibility Responsible for the direct technical supervision of the company under the area of responsibility and, in particular, ensure orderly trading in medicinal products Ensure appropriate oversight of licenced activities associated with contract manufacturing activities as required per Swissmedic Ensure that products-related GMP activities that are delegated or contracted to other Takeda sites or third party contract sites by the RP are controlled through agreements and where appropriate audits Ensure deputisation by adequately qualified specialists Ensure compliance to the conditions of the Wholesale Distribution Authorisation and to evolving guidelines on Good Distribution Practice (GDP) as defined by the European Commission in OJ 2013/C 343/01 and Swiss Medic’s guidelines Ensure that products-related GDP activities that are delegated or contracted to other Takeda sites or third party contract sites by the RP are controlled through agreements and where appropriate audits. These activities include: Ensuring that a quality management system is implemented and maintained Ensure contribution to the implementation of a quality risk management system Ensure Product Review evaluation is performed in the area of responsibility Ensure participation and contribution in the Management Review in the area of responsibility Focusing on the management of authorized activities and the accuracy of and quality of records Ensuring that initial and continuous training programmes are implemented and maintained; ensuring the conduct of following up trainings Coordinating and promptly performing any recall operations for medicinal products Ensuring that relevant customer complaints are dealt with effectively; Ensuring that suppliers and customers are approved; approving any subcontracted activities which may impact on GDP; Ensuring that self-inspections are performed at appropriate regular intervals following a prearranged programme and necessary corrective measures are put in place; Keeping appropriate records of any delegated duties; Deciding on the final disposition of returned, rejected, recalled or falsified products; Approving any returns to saleable stock; Ensuring that any additional requirements imposed on certain products by national law are adhered to. Deciding independently of the company’s management and may not sit on any of the facilities’ supervisory committees. Keep appropriate records and control of any delegated duties and ensure their visibility Technical/Functional (Line) Expertise Meets qualifications to be an Industry Certified Responsible Person (RP) in Switzerland Scientific Degree (preferably in Pharmacy) Strong knowledge of global regulations relating to GDP, licensing, imports/exports and controlled drug / substance compliance. Meets qualifications to be an Industry Certified Responsible Person (RP) in Switzerland Scientific Degree (preferably in Pharmacy) Strong knowledge of global regulations relating to GDP, licensing, imports/exports and controlled drug / substance compliance. Previous experience as RP preferred- GDP, distribution, warehousing and transportation experience or proven equivalent experience Leadership Ideal candidate embodies Takeda's Leadership Behaviors: Enterprise thinking, finding innovative ways to serve patients build reputation and trust. Focusing on the few priorities and providing superior results. Elevating capabilities for now and the future Creating an environment that inspires and enables people to move the organization forward Decision-making and Autonomy Ability to make decisions on GxP/pharmaceutical activities to ensure regulatory compliance of Takeda trading licenses and local regulatory requirements Interaction Key interactions with global and regional stakeholders including Supply Chain, Legal, Tax, BU’s, Quality. Strong partnerships and collaborations to ensure clear definition of requirements and com-pliance to the respective trading licenses. Key interactions with numerous stakeholders in Quality (TE RP, OpU quality, Plant and Regional Quality, External Supply Quality) Innovation A strong understanding of industry and business, applicable legislation and regulatory compliance requirements. Complexity Multiple countries and business units, complex mix of supply & distribution models, multiple regulatory frameworks and a wide diversity of products What you bring to Takeda: Good Knowledge of Swiss healthcare legislation, and industry standards Ability to think and act strategically and creatively Ability to work successfully in multi-functional and multi-cultural teams Ability to build strong relationships and key stakeholders at all levels of the organization and to influence stakeholders across diverse situations Demonstrate unquestionable integrity and professionalism Customer and patient orientes mindset Commitment to Takeda’s values and standards More about us: At Takeda, we are transforming patient care through the development of novel specialty pharmaceuticals and best in class patient support programs. Takeda is a patient-focused company that will inspire and empower you to grow through life-changing work. Certified as a Global Top Employer, Takeda offers stimulating careers, encourages innovation, and strives for excellence in everything we do. We foster an inclusive, collaborative workplace, in which our teams are united by an unwavering commitment to deliver Better Health and a Brighter Future to people around the world. Empowering our people to shine: Takeda is proud in its commitment to creating a diverse workforce and providing equal employment opportunities to all employees and applicants for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, parental status, national origin, age, disability, citizenship status, genetic information or characteristics, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Locations Zurich, Switzerland Worker Type Employee Worker Sub-Type Regular Time Type Full time Takeda is an industry-leading, global pharmaceutical company with an unwavering dedication to putting patients at the center of everything we do. We live our values of Takeda-ism – Integrity, Fairness, Honesty, and Perseverance – and are united by our mission to strive towards Better Health and a Brighter Future for people worldwide through leading innovation in medicine. Here, everyone matters and you will be a vital contributor to our inspiring, bold mission. At Takeda, you will make an impact on people’s lives – including your own. Takeda is an equal opportunity employer. For applicants of U.S and Puerto Rico positions: Click here to learn about our commitment to Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO). If you are limited in the ability to use our job application tool, or otherwise require a reasonable accommodation for a disability please click here.Über das Unternehmen:CHE - 8036 Takeda Pharmaceuticals International AG
Trading Application Engineer 50% - 100% with focus FIS Front Arena (Ref. 2494)
Bank J. Safra Sarasin AG, Basel, Switzerland
Trading Application Engineer 50% - 100% with focus FIS Front Arena (Ref. 2494) About us As a leading sustainable private bank, we offer dynamic and personalized services in investment advisory and asset management for private and institutional clients. Our success depends on the enthusiasm and commitment of our employees and we value each person with their unique technical expertise, professional qualifications and social skills. We are successfully operating for more than 180 years across 27 locations worldwide and offer our employees the chance to be a part of our success. Our employees are our most valuable asset, we are proud of our unique culture that fosters entrepreneurship and is fueled by a high team spirit and the positive attitude of each individual. Join our international team and be part of the next chapter of the J. Safra Sarasin Group. Your role As Trading Application Engineer with focus FIS Front Arena at Bank J. Safra Sarasin you are responsible for the operation, maintenance and development of the global trading system (FIS Front Arena). You will provide excellent services to all stakeholders across our international locations, creating long-term added value for the company. Your responsibilities Implement and develop new integrations, market connections and functionalities within our trading system Front Arena Support the business in their daily work Work to improve system stability and drive automation Your profile University degree (university / FH) in computer science, software engineering or related discipline 3-5 years of practical experience in the field of Front Arena OMS/AMS Basic knowledge in FIX-Protocol and/or Python is an advantage Experience with Front Arena PRIME/ADS, Automation, Microsoft Windows Server and MS SQL is desirable Strong analytical and problem solving skills Capability to work independently as well as ability to work with various stakeholder Fluency in English Agencies, please contact our Human Resources department E-Mail schreiben to submit profiles. Please note that if you submit your application, Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd will process your personal data for the purpose of the hiring and employment process. For further information, please read the Data Privacy Statement for applicants available on the Bank's website here. By submitting your application, you then confirm your understanding and acceptance of the above.
Agricultural Commodity Trading Finance Lead (m/f/d) 60 - 80 %
Syngenta, Genf, Switzerland
As a world market leader in crop protection, we help farmers to counter these threats and ensure enough safe, nutritious, affordable food for all - while minimizing the use of land and other agricultural inputs.Syngenta Crop Protection keeps plants safe from planting to harvesting. From the moment a seed is planted through to harvest, crops need to be protected from weeds, insects and diseases as well as droughts and floods, heat and cold.Syngenta Crop Protection is headquartered in Switzerland.Agricultural Commodity Trading Finance Lead (m/f/d) 60 - 80 % Job description: We are currently seeking an Agricultural Commodity Trading Finance Lead to join our team in Geneva. In this role, you will act as the Business Partner for Agricultural Value Chain (AVC) in supporting Growth ambition of global soft commodity trading activities in service of core Crop Protection and Seeds business growth. You will as well be responsible for establishing and maintaining effective Financial Processes, Controls, Risk Management and reporting for this new line of business. Your responsibilities: Set-up, embedding and maintenance of global Financial Processes, Controls Risk Management and reporting for the AVC business in collaborations with regional and country teams Business Partner for the Head of AVC - Co-creates/challenges strategic, tactical, and operational decision making Continuous development of commodity trading software Ensuring efficient processes and ways of working in executing commodity trades Key role in any AVC related projects Part of AVC leadership team Supports Country AVC finance and operational teams Required profile: Minimum 10 years of Finance experience in Agricultural Commodity Trading Degree in Finance (ie. CPA) Fluent in English What we offer: We offer a position which contributes to valuable and impactful work in a stimulating and international environment Environment with an open culture and diverse workforce The opportunity to work with and learn from highly qualified and experienced employees Learning culture (Together we Grow) and wide range of training options Interested? We look forward to receiving your online application including all relevant documents (cover letter, CV, diploma, certificates).Please be aware that the job title may differ from the position title. Syngenta is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate in recruitment, hiring, training, promotion or any other employment practices for reasons of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, sexual orientation, marital or veteran status, disability, or any other legally protected status.
Leiter:in Total Store / Expansion Coop Trading
Coop Trading, Dietikon, Switzerland
Suchst du nach einem Job, der mehr bietet als nur Routine? Bei Coop gestalten wir jeden Tag aktiv und bringen Leben in die Arbeit. Komm zu uns und sei dort, wo das Leben passiert, wo Du deine Leidenschaft einbringen und etwas bewegen kannst. Leiter:in Total Store / Expansion Coop Trading Aufgaben Verantwortung für die schweizweite Expansion, die Bauprojekte sowie das Asset- und Facility Management der Direktion Trading (Non-Food-Verkaufsstellen von Coop) personelle und fachliche Führung von 15 Mitarbeitenden Expansionsplanung und Standortevaluation der rund 800 Verkaufsstellen zur stetigen Optimierung des Verkaufsstellennetzes Planung und termingerechte Umsetzung von jährlich 40 – 50 Um- und Neubauprojekten inkl. den damit verbundenen Investitionsanträgen in enger Zusammenarbeit mit den Leitungen der verschiedenen Non-Food-Formate Asset- und Facility-Management des schweizweiten Portfolios Zusammenarbeit mit internen und externen Stellen wie Immobilienverwaltungen und -eigentümern sowie Projektentwickler Mitwirkung in diversen übergeordneten strategischen Fach-Gremien Mitglied der Direktion Trading Anforderungen verhandlungsstarke und erfahrene Führungspersönlichkeit mit unternehmerischem Geschick sehr gute Vernetzung im Schweizer Detailhandel und Immobilienmarkt sowie gute Kenntnisse des Schweizer Mietrechtes Erfahrung in der Immobilienbewirtschaftung, im Projektmanagement und in der Entwicklung von Lösungs-Strategie gute/r Netzwerker:in und Kommunikator:in fundierte betriebswirtschaftliche/bautechnische Grundausbildung mit einer immobilienspezifischen Weiterbildung (zB. MAS Real Estate Management) sehr gutes Deutsch und Französisch schriftlich und mündlich, Italienisch und Englisch von Vorteil Was wir bietenWir bieten Ihnen ein modernes, dynamisches Arbeitsumfeld, in dem Sie Ihre Fähigkeiten und Ihre Persönlichkeit tagtäglich einbringen und so etwas bewegen können. Für den gemeinsamen Erfolg. Für eine gemeinsame Zukunft. Deine Ansprechperson der Coop Genossenschaft Claudia Aeschlimann HR Marketing