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Gehaltsübersicht für in Kanton Schwyz

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Gehaltsübersicht für in Kanton Schwyz

1 650 ₣ Durchschnittliches Monatsgehalt

Durchschnittliches Gehaltsniveau in Kanton Schwyz in den letzten 12 Monaten

Währung: CHF USD Jahr: 2024
Das Balkendiagramm zeigt die Änderung des Gehaltsniveaus in Kanton Schwyz.

Die 10 beliebtesten Branchen nach der Anzahl der Stellenangebote in Kanton Schwyz

Währung: CHF
In Kanton Schwyz sind die Spezialisten der Ausbildung Branche am meisten gefragt. Laut der Statistik unserer Website, beträgt die Zahl der Stellenangebote in dieser Branche 7.4% von der Gesamtzahl der Angebote in Kanton Schwyz.

Stellenverteilung in Kanton Schwyz

Währung: CHF
Wie die Grafik zeigt, in Kanton Schwyz gilt Schwyz als die Region mit der größten Zahl der offenen Stellen in und an zweiter Stelle folgt Lachen. Den dritten Platz nimmt Einsiedeln ein.

Branchenrating gemäß dem Gehaltsniveau in Kanton Schwyz

Währung: CHF USD Jahr: 2024
Die höchsten Gehälter wurden in Kanton Schwyz in der Leitung Branche gezahlt. Das durchschnittliche Gehalt beträgt 2400 CHF.

Ranking der Unternehmen nach der Zahl der offenen Stellen in Kanton Schwyz

Währung: CHF
das team ist der größte Arbeigeber nach der Zahl der Stellenagebote in Kanton Schwyz. Laut der Statistik unserer Webseite gibt es derzeit 63 offene Stellen in das team.

Empfohlene Stellenangebote

IB DP & Matura Physik Lehrperson 60 - 80% (m/w/d)
Obersee Bilingual School AG, Schwyz
Wir suchen dich!Bewirb dich jetzt und werde Teil unseres engagierten, leidenschaftlichen und innovativen Teams! Wir bieten unter anderem spannende Herausforderungen, Weiterbildungen und eine vielfältige Unterstützung.Wer sind wir?Die OBS ist eine zukunftsorientierte, zweisprachige, private Tagesschule in Wollerau, die Kindern im Alter von drei Monaten bis 18 Jahren eine schülerzentrierte und ganzheitliche Lernerfahrung bietet. Wir sind Vorreiter im Einsatz von Technologie innerhalb und ausserhalb des Klassenzimmers, sei es digitales Lernen, virtuelle Realität oder eSports. Wir bieten ein aufgeschlossenes Team und eine inspirierende Lernumgebung, die sowohl eine lokale als auch eine globale Einstellung fördert.Die Stelle:Wir suchen für das Schuljahr 2022/23 eine qualifizierte Lehrperson für die Position als:IB DP & Matura Physik Lehrperson 60 - 80% (m/w/d)Dein ProfilLehrdiplom im Unterrichtsfach Physik (oder in Ausbildung)Masters AbschlussErfahrung mit dem IB-DP und/oder Matura Programm Deutsch oder Englisch als Muttersprache souveräne Klassenführung und strukturierte Unterrichtsorganisationrespektvolle, lösungsorientierte Kommunikation und Freude an der Zusammenarbeit mit ElternFlexibilität und Belastbarkeit gute IT-Kenntnisse, Offenheit und Lernbereitschaft im Einsatz moderner UnterrichtstechnologienUnser Angebot– Ihre Vorteile:Kollegiale Atmosphäre in einem internationalen TeamArbeit in einem der neusten, modernsten, naturnahesten Schulcampuse der Schweiz- Modernste Arbeits- und IT-InfrastrukturInnovatives, bilinguales und schülerzentriertes UnterrichtssystemWertschätzendes Kollegium Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten eigener IdeenVergünstigte VerpflegungsmöglichkeitenFühlst du dich angesprochen? Dann sende deine Bewerbungsunterlagen an Andrea Höfliger (HR) [email protected]. We are hiring! Apply now and become part of our dedicated, passionate and innovative team! Among other things, we offer exciting challenges, further training and a wide range of support.Who are we?OBS is a forward-thinking, bilingual, private day school in Wollerau that provides a student-centred and holistic learning experience for children aged three months to 18 years. We are pioneers in the use of technology inside and outside the classroom, be it digital learning, virtual reality or eSports. We offer an open-minded team and an inspiring learning environment that encourages both a local and global mindset.The Position:For the school year 2022/23 we are looking for a qualified teacher for the position of:IB DP & Matura Physics Teacher 60 - 80% (m/f/o) Your Profile:Teaching degreeMasters degree Experience with the IB DP and/or Matura program English or German mother tongueConfident classroom management and structured lesson organisationRespectful, solution-oriented communication and enjoys working with parentsFlexibility and ability to work under pressureGood IT skills, openness and willingness to learn about the use of modern teaching technologiesOur Offer:Cooperative atmosphere in an international teamWorkplace in one of Switzerland’s newest, modern and natured school campuses State-of-the-art work and IT infrastructureInnovative, bilingual and student-centred teaching systemEsteemed teaching team Opportunities to implement your own ideasDiscounted mealsInterested? Then send your application to Andrea Höfliger (HR) [email protected].
Private Markets Analyst Program – Secondary Team
LGT Capital Partners AG, Pfaeffikon, Pfäffikon
Job Description The LGT Capital Partners Private Markets Analyst Program is a unique opportunity for recent graduates to launch an exciting career with a leading alternative investment specialist focused on private markets. The Analyst Program is structured as a 2-year full-time employment with the opportunity for outstanding candidates to continue their career at LGT Capital Partners as an Associate. The position is located in Switzerland (near Zurich). The anticipated start date is 1 July 2024 and the Program starts with a 3-weeks tailored training module and includes continuous on-the-job training. Since 1998, the secondaries team at LGT Capital Partners has been an active secondary investor on a global basis, with deep local knowledge across Europe, US and Asia. Having tracked over 5,000 funds and invested in over 20,000 companies, we can leverage insights into portfolios to underwrite global LP portfolios, complex fund solutions and Asset level transactions. The Analyst joining the Secondary team will focus on developing the following core investment skills: project management from initial due diligence to final completion of secondary transactions; financial modeling of companies and private equity funds; understanding of private equity fund accounting and financial statements; valuation and analysis of various private equity funds; in-depth analysis of underlying portfolio companies; comparable company analysis, both using public and private company data. The position also includes other responsibilities associated with the investment process: participation in and preparation of weekly team meetings; management and update of key databases, systems and tools that are critical for identifying potential opportunities; monitoring of existing investments; preparation of materials used in internal meetings and external client presentations; research on trends/competitors in the global private equity market; ad-hoc market analysis. Requirements Master degree in business, economics, finance, financial engineering, accounting, or similar subject; Excellent English writing and communication skills, including personal or professional experience in an English-speaking environment; familiarity with any other language is a plus; Strong interest in enhancing financial acumen and broadening knowledge of the private equity secondary market; Self-starter personality, highly motivated with an international mindset; Ability to multi-task and working on several live projects simultaneously; Good organizational skills. Kindly note that visa sponsorship is not provided for this role. Please upload your complete application documents: CV, motivation letter, diplomas, grade transcripts and your reference letters. Benefits Home Office: after the successful probation period you will meet your colleagues three days in the office and have the option to work two days a week in the home office in Switzerland. Additionally you get a Home Office allowance; We have flexible working hours and you can structure your working hours according to operational requirements; A diverse culture full of mutual respect, teamwork and appreciation awaits you at LGT Capital Partners – we‘re all working hard but with us you can really generate an impact; We empower and invest in you: your professional and personal development is key at our company: therefore, we offer you internal and external trainings aligned with our business needs. If you‘re interested, you can also intensify your German or English skills; We‘re proud to be owned by the Princely family of Liechtenstein and our successful company is greatly inspired by their entrepreneurial attitude; Commitment to ESG: our thinking is characterized through the Princely Family by a long term perspective. Sustainability is key - we act accordingly in business and private life since 2002. Contact Information If you are interested in becoming an integral part of a successful alternative investment management team in an international, multicultural working environment we will be pleased to get to know you soon. For further information please contact us. Cassandra Fritschi Human Resources LGT Capital Partners AG, Pfaeffikon Contact: +41 58 261 80 29 LGT Capital Partners is a leading alternative investment specialist with over USD 95 billion in assets under management and more than 700 institutional clients in 44 countries. An international team of over 750 professionals is responsible for managing a wide range of investment programs focusing on private markets, liquid alternatives and multi-asset class solutions. Headquartered in Pfaeffikon (SZ), Switzerland, the firm has offices in San Francisco, New York, Dublin, London, Paris, The Hague, Luxembourg, Frankfurt am Main, Vaduz, Dubai, Beijing, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Sydney.Über das Unternehmen:LGT Capital Partners AG, Pfaeffikon
Lehrstelle Kauffrau/-mann EFZ
CSS, Lachen, Switzerland
Lehrstart August 2024 Während der dreijährigen Ausbildungszeit eignest du dir ein umfangreiches Fachwissen in der Kranken- und Sozialversicherung an. Unter der Betreuung unserer Berufs- und Praxisbildner wirst du im Arbeitsalltag optimal gefördert. Das Fachwissen erlangst du durch ein umfassendes internes Schulungsprogramm und der Umsetzung am Arbeitsplatz.Lehrstelle Kauffrau/-mann EFZ Was du bewirkst Betreuung unserer Kunden telefonisch, schriftlich und persönlich bezüglich Produkte und Leistungen Erteilung von fachlichen Auskünften sowie Terminkoordination Erstellen von Offerten und Verarbeitung von Anträgen / Versicherungsänderungen Interne Koordination mit anderen Abteilungen Erfüllen von allgemeinen administrativen Tätigkeiten Mitarbeit in Projekten der Berufsbildung Wie du begeisterst Gute Noten in Sprachen und Mathematik Gute Ausdrucksfähigkeit in Deutsch Exakte Arbeitsweise Motivation, hohe Lern- und Leistungsbereitschaft Freude am persönlichen und telefonischen Kundenkontakt, auch in hektischen Situationen Teamfähig und kundenorientiert CSS8853 Lachen
Sachbearbeiter/in Export D/E/F 80-100% (m/w/d)
Adecco, Steinen
Wir suchen für unseren Kunden, ein internationales Produktions- und Handelsunternehmen im Kanton Schwyz, per sofort oder nach Vereinbarung eine/nSachbearbeiter/in Export D/E/F 80-100% (m/w/d)Ihre HerausforderungKundenkontakt / LieferantenkontaktTelefonzentraleOffertwesenBestellwesenAuftragswesenEinkaufs- und VerkaufsabwicklungKoordination von TerminenOrganisation von Transport/LogistikErstellung von ExportdokumentenFakturierungenStammdatenpflegeKorrespondenz D/E/FIhre KompetenzKaufmännische GrundausbildungWeiterbildung im Export von VorteilMehrjährige Berufserfahrung im ExportwesenSprachkenntnisse: Stilsicher Deutsch (C2), sehr gut Englisch (B2/C1), sehr gut Französisch (B2/C1)EDV-Kenntnisse: MS-Office,Persönliche Eigenschaften: kommunikativ, dienstleistungsorientiert, teamfähig, stressresistent, selbständig, OrganisationstalentIhre Perspektiven5 Wochen FerienFlexible ArbeitszeitenÜberdurchschnittliche SozialversicherungsleistungenUnterstützung bei WeiterbildungenGratis ParkplatzDU-Kultur
Coiffeuse/eur 100% Lachen (100%)
Gidor Coiffure, Lachen
Gidor-Coiffure ist das grösste Coiffeur Unternehmen in der Schweiz und ist stetig auf Expansionskurs.Sie haben das Flair und das Können für exzellente Frisuren und wollen in einem dynamischen Umfeld arbeiten? Dann suchen wir Sie als Coiffeuse/eur 100% für unseren Salon in Lachen. Was bringen Sie mit:- Abgeschlossene Berufsbildung EBA/EFZ- professionelle Farb-, Schnitt- und Beratungskompetenz- Freude am Beruf- Selbständiges Arbeiten- Gepflegtes Erscheinungsbild- Freundliche Umgangsformen- ehrgeizig, innovativ und teamfähigWir bieten:- Modernste Location- Aufstiegsmöglichkeiten- Arbeiten in einem motivierten Team- konstante Weiterbildung
IT Integration and Automation Engineering Lead
LGT Capital Partners AG, Schwyz, Pfäffikon
Job Description Within the Solution Architecture and Engineering IT organization we are looking for an engineering leader to drive the definition and implementation of an application- and data integration strategy and significantly contribute to increase the level and maturity of automation practices within the company. The ideal candidate will work in close collaboration with IT and business stakeholders to ensure a sustainable evolution of the technology landscape.The role includes the following tasks: Evolve the firms' strategy for application- and data integration and lead its execution; Lead, collaborating with all other IT departments, the implementation of an automation strategy (among other topics: DevOps, Test Automation) , with key focus on improving productivity, maintainability, and stability; Lead the adoption of a state-of-the-art integration and automation solutions and take the integration lead role in integration-heavy technology projects; Establish standards, guardrails, policies and best practices for integration and automation to achieve high speed of delivery while ensuring operational stability; Collaborate with different IT & Business delivery teams and build up the Community of Practice "Integration & Automation"; Support decentralized citizen integrators in various investment and business operations teams to deliver integration & automation use cases; Be a hands-on sparring partner and the go-to person for integration and automation topics. Requirements Degree in Information Technology or similar (Master's degree is preferred) ; Experience in data architecture and data modelling; Proven hands-on experience in devising and implementing an automation strategy and increasing the maturity of automation in an enterprise context; Software Engineering background and knowledge, experience in integrating solutions in large-scale / complex software landscapes is of advantage; Experience managing integration projects with cross-functional teams; Abstract thinking and ability to manage complexity, willing to learn new topics and drive them forward; Ability to communicate technical complex topics with the right level of details to be understood by business stakeholders; Experience in financial services and / or asset management is of advantage; Excellent English oral and written communication skills; German is a plus. Benefits Home Office: after the successful probation period you will meet your colleagues three days in the office and have the option to work two days a week in the home office in Switzerland. Additionally you get a Home Office allowance; We have flexible working hours and you can structure your working hours according to operational requirements; A diverse culture full of mutual respect, teamwork and appreciation awaits you at LGT Capital Partners - we're all working hard but with us you can really generate an impact; We empower and invest in you: your professional and personal development is key at our company: therefore we offer you internal and external trainings aligned with our business needs. If you're interested, you can also intensify your German or English skills; We're proud to be owned by the Princely family of Liechtenstein and our successful company is greatly inspired by their entrepreneurial attitude; Commitment to ESG: our thinking is characterized through the Princely Family by a long term perspective. Sustainability is key - we act accordingly in business and private life since 2002. Contact Information If you are interested in becoming an integral part of a successful alternative investment management team in an international, multicultural working environment we will be pleased to get to know you soon.For further information please contact us.Alexandra HohermuthHuman ResourcesLGT Capital Partners AG, PfaeffikonContact: +41 58 261 86 62
(junior) Portfolio Manager / Trader
Michael Page, Wollerau
Supporting a team of Senior Portfolio ManagersTaking care of client requests and Investment proposalsReviews and verification's of portfolios and tradesDocumentations of clientsCompliance tasks regarding the portfolio managementOther Ad-hoc tasks in the portfolio Management teamBachelors Degree in Banking and Finance or a similar education2-3 years experience in a similar position in a bankingIndependent working style and ready to go the extra mileEfficient, flexible and organised personalityVery good knowledge in MS-Office and BloombergFluent in English, every other language is a plus
go-to-Market Compliance Analyst Travel Retail Worldwide
With a diverse portfolio of more than 20 brands sold in approximately 150 countries and territories, Estée Lauder Companies is the global leader in prestige beauty, recognized for its skincare, make-up, fragrances, and hair care products. In Switzerland, Estée Lauder has the main Supply Chain Hub for Travel Retail and EMEA, offering many opportunities across multiple functions to grow your career and become part of our amazing Supply Chain teams. Travel Retail, one of the Estée Lauder Companies` highest growth channels, covers the world of duty-free environments including airports, airlines, cruises, downtown locations, and border shops. According to our industry projections, more than 3 billion international travelers pass through airports each year, and the number is expected to grow 5 % annually.Due to our continued growth, we are now hiring a Go-to-Market Compliance Analyst TR WW for our Customer Service Team in Wollerau, Switzerland.Job Description:This position reports to the Senior Manager Go To Market Compliance Operations, within the Customer Service department, part of the Travel Retail (TR) organization. Customer Service aims at strategically supporting business growth and delivering value through the operational execution of customer service activities.Your main responsibilities include: Collecting and analyzing data of regulatory changes and the impact on the relevant Travel Retail (TR) markets via the various systems of ELC Developing, maintaining, and implementing (where needed) label databases for the relevant TR markets Cross functional and cross departmental support on collecting, managing, and communicating information related to the compliance driven retailer inventory management process Working efficiently with stakeholders (internal and external) to receive all required information in a timely manner Collect input from different TR EMEA & AM regions on the upcoming compliance changes to enable to conduct a thorough analysis of the impact of the change on the given TR market or region Capability in reviewing and interpreting changed legislation for concrete execution; identify and keep track of upcoming changes in the compliance environment and emerging issues Translate upcoming trends in the compliance/trade/sustainability standards area into potential impact or opportunities for TR and providing guidance to relevant functions on interpretation and implementation Working with TR WW Regulatory functions and internal, cross-functional stakeholders on streamlining the label databases for the affected markets Collect all relevant information from the defined stakeholders and share in a timely manner to enable accurate coordination of compliance-driven retailer inventory management and operational processes for the impacted TR markets Identifying new opportunities to boost growth and implementing them successfully in processes and procedures Responsible for developing and implementing compliance & operations strategies to prepare the business for compliance changes impacting innovation, life cycle, and compliance & operations activities across brands in TR EMEAM region Responsible to define TR EMEAM road map to ensure delivering best-in-class compliance operational service for the TR retail partners and all TR WW internal stakeholders QualificationsWe are looking for someone who brings: Bachelor's Degree (BA) in relevant discipline, preferably in Sciences Minimum of 2 years of experience in Supply Chain roles within a fast-paced environment and multinational company with a clear customer focus and increasing levels of responsibilities Fluent in English written and orally and any other European language is a plus Structured work approach and attention to detail Excellent communication skills and stakeholder management mindset Service and quality minded Critical thinking to break down complex problems Creative problem-solving capabilities and analytical skills Drive to deliver agile and independent approach to work with a "can-do" attitude Able to set priorities and manage time efficiently Good MS Office skills (Excel and database management in particular) and general IT-affinity Flexible and independent individual with the ability to adapt (agility & flexibility) in a fast-growing environment High energy to drive change with strong teamwork We offer you: a fantastic opportunity to work in an international, fast-paced, and high-touch environment a nurturing and challenging culture that is respectful of our roots and promotes intensive career development across multiple functions to be part of a company that creates prestige beauty products that also advance sustainability and help contribute to a stable climate and a healthy, beautiful planet inclusion, diversity, and equity which are natural extensions of The Estée Lauder Companies' values amazing support for your work-life balance (gym allowance, only a 40-hour workweek, flexible hybrid working model) personal development opportunities via our internal training hub, LinkedIn Learning, and external educational trainings access to our employee staff shop, the possibility to buy Reka checks with a discount, and free parking spaces for all our employees Is this position relevant and interesting for you? Ayse will be happy to receive your online application now! Job: Customer Service Primary Location: CH-SZ-Wollerau Job Type: Standard Schedule: Full-time Shift: 1st (Day) Shift Job Number: 243082
Mitarbeiter/in Service 60-80%
Bistro Bar Mything, Schwyz
Wir erwarten:-Erfahrung in der Gastro-sehr gute Deutschkenntnisse-Selbstständige, zuverlässige und verantwortungsvolle Persönlichkeit die Aufgaben-Getränke und Speisen fachgerecht servieren-Selbständiges führen einer Servicestation-Entgegennehmen, kontrollieren und verrräumen von Lieferungen-tägliches Mise en Place-tägliche Reinigungsarbeiten
Lüftungsmonteur mit Werkzeug
brefis personal ag, Altendorf, Schwyz
Ihre Aufgaben umfassen:Sie befestigen die zusammengesetzten Lüftungskanäle im Mauerwerk und umhüllen sie, wenn nötig, mit DämmmaterialSie installieren die Motoren, Ventilatoren und Filter sowie die Steuer- und RegeleinrichtungenNach Abschluss der Montagearbeiten nehmen Sie die Anlage in Betrieb und kontrollieren, ob die Luftzirkulation im ganzen System richtig funktioniert und die Einstellungen bezüglich Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit stimmen Ihr Profil:PünktlichkeitDurchsetzungsvermögenAbgeschlossene AusbildungTechnisches Verständnis